Lloyd's Military Campaign Charts: North Carolina Coast
Part of the Military Department of The South, embracing portions of Georgia and South Carolina. [Eastern Part]
Prang's War Map. North Carolina Coast Line
1861|L. Prang & Co.
Chart of His Majesties Province of North Carolina
1875|James Wimble1:1 293 460
Prang's Naval Expedition Maps: North Carolina coast line
1862|L. Prang & Co.
[Neueste Karte von Süd Carolina mit seinen Canaelen, Strassen, Dampfschiff Routen und Entfernungen der Hauptpunkte]
1860|Meyer, J.
A Chronological History of the Civil War in America, illustrated with A. I. Johnson's and I. H. Colton's Steelplate Maps and Plans of the Southern States and Harbors